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Keynote speakers

John Harris, University College London

prof. Harris

Professor of Linguistics, Division of Psychology and Language Sciences

Research Interests:

  • Phonology, including phonological theory, the interface with phonetics, phonological impairment, and variation and change in English

[Website: https://www.ucl.ac.uk/pals/people/profiles/academic-staff/john-harris]

Gillian Ramchand, University of Tromsø

prof. Ramchand

Professor in Linguistics at the University of Tromsø, Norway, and a senior researcher at CASTL (Center for the Advanced Study of Theoretical Linguistics)

Current leader of the CASTL-Fish research group at UiT Norway's Arctic University

Research Interests:

  • The syntax-semantics interface, especially with regard to verbal argument structure, tense, aspect and modality

[Website: https://sites.google.com/site/gillianramchand01/]

Ewa Willim, Jagiellonian University

prof. Willim

Professor of Linguistics

Research Interests:

  • Theory of syntax
  • The syntax-semantics and syntax-morphology interfaces
  • Polish-English contrastive linguistics

[Website: https://www.ifa.filg.uj.edu.pl/ewa-willim]

Jane Willis (Freelancer, speaker and consultant on ELT)

Jane Willis

Jane Willis worked extensively overseas as a language teacher and trainer. She later joined Aston University, tutoring on their Masters in TESOL programmes. Now semi-retired, she lives in the English Lake District and works as an ELT consultant, runs workshops for Foreign Language teachers and teaches Tai Chi. Her prize-winning books include English for Primary Teachers (with Mary Slattery) and Teachers Exploring Tasks in English Language Teaching (with Corony Edwards). Her latest books (with OUP) are English Through Music, co-authored with music specialist Anice Paterson and Doing Task-based Teaching co-authored with her late husband Dave. She recently completed Dave’s last book Winning the Grammar Wars: what grammar really is and how we use it. For more background and free TBL lesson plans visit https://www.willis-elt.co.uk/.