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Call for papers

We wish to encourage all linguists to present their contributions during both oral and poster sessions in the following research areas:

  • applied linguistics
  • sociolinguistics
  • pragmatics & discourse analysis
  • corpus studies
  • methodology
  • semantics
  • phonetics & phonology
  • syntax
  • morphology

Papers that do not necessarily speak directly to the theme of the conference are also welcome.

Talks should last 20 minutes after which there will be 10 minutes’ time for discussion.

Abstract submission

Abstracts of no more than 300 words (excluding references) should be sent by 31st July 2013 in .doc or .pdf format to our e-mail address: lingbaw@gmail.com. In the body of the email, please include the following information: title of paper, name of author, affiliation, research area and form of presentation (speech/poster). Abstracts will be reviewed anonymously; please do not put your name on the abstract itself.

Notification of acceptance will be sent by 23rd September.

Conference fee

The conference fee is PLN 250 (€60) and includes conference materials, refreshments and publication of the proceedings.


The deadline for submission of completed papers is 28 February 2014. All papers will be assessed by two independent reviewers and, if accepted, published in the first volume of Linguistics Beyond and Within.

Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact us here or at lingbaw@gmail.com