LingBaW Journal ! The second volume of Linguistics Beyond And Within has been published: click here.
Winners of the best presentation awards:Congratulations!!!
- Best talk:
Viviana Masia, Davide Garassino, Nicola Brocca- Best poster:
Daniela Antonchuk- Audience award:
Daniela Katunar, Ida Raffaelli
Publication After the conference selected papers will be published in a monograph.
Volumes already published can be found here.
International Linguistics Conference in Lublin
Thanks for attending LingBaW 2017!
Building on the success of the first four conferences, the Institute of English Studies at the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Poland, is organizing the 5th meeting of Linguistics Beyond And Within — International Linguistics Conference in Lublin. The conference, to be held on 18–19 October 2017, will be hosted by the Department of Applied Linguistics, the Department of Theoretical Linguistics, the Department of Celtic Studies, and the Department of Contrastive English-Polish Studies. The language of the conference is English. This year the talks will be guided by the following leitmotif:
The Outskirts of the Regular

As previously, we would like to invite scholars with innovative approaches to linguistics viewed from a range of intra- and interdisciplinary perspectives.
Important dates:
- Workshop proposal submission: 31 May 2017
- Abstract submission: 31 July 2017
- Notification of acceptance: 31 August 2017
- Registration: 8 September 2017
- Conference: 18–19 October 2017
- Paper submission: 31 January 2018
The conference will take place under the honorary patronage of Krzysztof Żuk (Mayor of Lublin). It is partly financed by the City of Lublin.