Celtic languages exhibit features which are unique within the Indo-European family. To mention just a few: mutation, conjugated prepositions, determiner clitics, lack of a fully developed infinitive, or object-verb order in embedded non-finite clauses. They deserve sustained attention of phonologists, morphologists and syntacticians since the data in question can serve as a yardstick of the universal applicability of contemporary theories of language.
Despite their grand past, Celtic languages are now in retreat. They are spoken on the western fringes of their former area and the number of native speakers, with a notable exception of Welsh, is falling. Efforts to maintain and rejuvenate them transform the traditional speech. Therefore, Celtic languages are a natural research area for those who are interested in sociolinguistics, contact linguistics and translation studies.
We invite papers dealing with Celtic languages from different vantage points: diachronic, synchronic, formal and sociolinguistic.
Call for papers
Talks and posters
We wish to encourage all linguists representing various theoretical models and practical applications to present their original contributions (not previously presented or published) during both oral and poster sessions in the following research areas:
- theoretical linguistics
- phonetics & phonology
- morphology
- semantics
- syntax
- corpus studies
- Celtic studies [more info]
- applied linguistics
- language teaching & language acquisition
- teaching language to the blind
- pragmatics
- discourse analysis
- translation studies
- socio- and psycholinguistics
Please consider that the leitmotif of LingBaW 2014 is: CHALLENGING IDEAS AND INNOVATIVE APPLICATIONS.
Each paper presentation in an oral session will be scheduled for a 20-minute talk followed by a 10-minute discussion. Poster sessions will last about 40 minutes during which the authors are required to be present and ready to answer questions from conference participants passing by. The poster format is 100x70cm (vertical orientation).
Abstract submission
Abstracts of no more than 400 words (including references) should be sent by 30th June 2014 in .doc format to our e-mail address: lingbaw@gmail.com. In the body of the email, please include the following information: title of paper, name of author, scientific degree, affiliation, research area (one from the above-mentioned) and form of presentation (speech/poster). Abstracts will be reviewed anonymously; please do not put your name on the abstract itself.
Notifications of acceptance will be sent by 15th August.
Conference fee
The conference fee is PLN 280 (€75) and includes conference materials, reception, refreshments and publication of the proceedings.
The preliminary deadline for submission of completed papers is 31st January 2015.
Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact us here or at lingbaw@gmail.com